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Hot Sauces, Pepper Powders, Spices & Mashes

HOT MAMA’s® unique blend of traditional hot sauces, spices and mashes are not your typical Caribbean hot pepper products – They are slow-blended over time and never coarse processed. Belizeans love their hot pepper products and they have them to cook with or enjoy with nearly every meal. Walk into any home or restaurant and you will see them readily available right there on the table.

Once you crack open a bottle of HOT MAMA’s® gourmet pepper sauce, powder or mash , it’s OK to leave it on the table - right in arm's reach for the next time you need to add a little kick to your meal. No need to refrigerate. Try a bottle, jar or canister or two today, you're sure to be satisfied!

***NEW PRODUCT*** HOT MAMA’s® Six Setter Gift Sets


***NEW PRODUCT*** HOT MAMA’s® Six Setter Gift Sets

Sale Price:$24.95 Original Price:$34.95

Give the gift of love!  Now you can have all 6 of HOT MAMA’s® world famous, award-winning pepper sauces in one convenient gift set to give as a gift to your loved ones. Each set contains a 5-ounce bottle of HOT MAMA’s® pepper sauce: MILD-X, HOT-XX, FIERY-XXX, TOO HOT, MUSTARD and SWEET PEPPER. Made with fresh, locally grown vegetables like carrots, onions, garlic, selected red habanero peppers, then blended with unique spices only available in Native Belize, HOT MAMA’s® pepper sauces are all-natural and contain no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.

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Each gift set is prepackaged and sealed with six 5-ounce bottles.